Tooth Restoration with Cosmetic Dentistry

Posted on 05/01/2020

Losing the freedom to smile the way you want to because of a missing or chipped tooth is not the best way to go through life. Fortunately, cosmetic dentists can rescue you from a lifetime of being self-conscious with your smile.

There are several ways to restore damaged or missing teeth. Some look natural and you can not tell the difference between the real tooth and fake tooth. New technology has made it so that there are several ways to fix, repair, mend and restore teeth, with each one tailor-fitted to the damage.

Crowns and Tooth Cracks

Dental crowns are the latest ways of fixing teeth cracks. Cracked teeth are usually caused by tooth decay, teeth grinding, and sometimes by accidents. The crowns are fitted right on top of each damaged tooth to cover the crack and hold the tooth together. Crowns can be used on almost any tooth. They are custom-designed and are seldom noticed.

Inlays and Tooth Decay

Inlays are very stable restorative treatments on delicate and decaying teeth. They are usually used to repair decayed front teeth which are very visible when people smile or simply talk. Inlays are bonded to the affected tooth (or teeth) to fill out the decayed areas and reduce any other structural damage in the tooth caused by the decay.

Bonding and Stained Teeth

Sometimes, stains on teeth do not respond well to teeth whitening treatments and brushing. The next alternative is bonding treatment that can brighten up the smile. Dental bonding is a natural tooth-colored composite used to fill over the damaged natural tooth to make it appear naturally smooth again.

Bonding is also used to fill teeth cracks, stains and hide chipped teeth. It is sculpted to fit the tooth perfectly while covering up the flaw. Direct bonding is regularly used as an alternative to more extensive "smile makeover" procedures like veneers and crowns.

Veneers and Uneven Teeth

As a rule, dental veneers are usually used in unevenly spaced teeth or those with large gaps between their teeth. They are made with porcelain or composite resin and designed to cover the whole tooth.

They help in covering up cracks, discolorations and fill out any big gaps between teeth. Veneers protect the surface of the damaged tooth and make dental surgery unnecessary. Presently, veneers are typically more costly than dental bonding but they can give you a complete smile makeover.

Dental Implants and Missing Teeth

A dental implant is a replacement for your lost natural tooth. This is directly inserted into the gum structure, and is sometimes used as a dental bridge support. Implants are selected and designed to look like your own natural teeth. They also have the extra benefit of reducing jawbone loss.

The technology and techniques used in cosmetic dentistry are still evolving, making the procedures less invasive, less painful, and less costly.

Call us today in Jackson AL, dentist Dr. Stanley Beard, for all of your dental needs - (251) 246-3385.