Losing the freedom to smile the way you want to all because of a missing or chipped tooth is not the best way to go through life. Fortunately, cosmetic dentists can rescue you from a lifetime of being self-conscious with your smile.
Oral health is very important for an overall healthy body. One of the diseases with serious consequences that we have to be on the lookout for is periodontal disease or gum disease. It is a bacterial infection which if not treated can lead to loss of a tooth and other things. Hence the word ‘periodontal' literally meaning ‘around the tooth'. This disease can affect one or many teeth at the same time.
Out of all the dental procedures in cosmetic dentistry being performed, teeth whitening ranks the highest. Whatever the reason, patients have been known to regain their confidence and self-esteem right after the whitening process. What is teeth whitening? Teeth whitening is simply a process that eliminates discoloration and stains on the teeth. The procedure also brightens the natural pigmentation of the teeth. The nature of the stains as well as the severity of the discoloration determines the degree of improvement after the treatment.
While the risk of dental implant failure is low, as with any surgery there is a small risk of it not being successful. The possibility of a dental implant failure can often be determined before the implant takes place, lessening the risk of it occurring after the surgery.
When it comes to teeth, there are many different things that can cause a toothache. A toothache can come at any given time. The pain can be unbearable at times, and you'll do practically anything you can to make the pain stop.
Gum disease, also referred to as periodontal disease, is an infection in the tissue and bones that surround and hold up the teeth. Bacteria found in plaque mainly cause gum disease.
Dental implant procedure involve placing a titanium implant into the jaw and attaching a ceramic crown once the jaw bone has fused to the implant, securing it in place.
Many people feel ashamed of their smile because of poor hygiene. People often consider dental care to be a pain. Your smile can be perfect and healthy if you spend a little time on dental hygiene everyday. Keep reading to learn more about good dental care.
One of the most important things that distinguishes the best Jackson dentist from the others is the list of services he or she offers. Most people do not realize that dentists can offer several services in addition to regular services.