An Introduction to Dental Implant Procedures

Posted on 10/18/2017

Dental implant procedures involve placing a titanium implant into the jaw and attaching a ceramic crown once the jaw bone has fused to the implant, securing it in place.

The methods of achieving this are varied, according to the condition of the implant site. The fastest procedure is done in a single day and can be performed if a tooth is replaced in a healthy gum over good bone. The most complex dental implant procedures involve grafting or growing new bone and can take six months or more.

If a tooth is broken or is decayed and needs to be removed, as long as the surrounding gum is not damaged, the replacement may be installed on the same day as the damaged tooth is extracted. It will require a temporary crown which can be replaced with a permanent crown 3-6 months later, once the bone fusion has taken place. Care should be taken with these implants and the patient might be advised to avoid certain foods for the duration of the healing process.

An 'ordinary' implant takes place in stages. At the first treatment, the implant is installed into the jawbone and left to fuse for 3-6 months. After this time, a post, called an abutment, is placed in the implant. Casts are then taken of the teeth and a crown made to match the existing teeth which is cemented onto the abutment.

The most complicated dental implant procedure occurs if the bone structure is not strong enough to take an implant, or if there simply isn't enough bone. It is more common not have enough bone in the upper jaw, below the sinuses. In these cases a bone graft may be required, or bone can be stimulated to grow. This adds considerable time to the dental implant procedure since the bone must be allowed to heal before making the implant.

If the bone structure is not suitable, another option is the subperiosteal dental implant procedure, where a custom fit plate is made to sit between the jawbone and the gum. Measurements may be taken by CAT scan or by exposing the jawbone and taking a cast.

A consultation with your Jackson dentist will tell you which is the right dental implant procedure for you.

Call us today in Jackson AL, dentist Dr. Stanley Beard, for all of your dental needs - (251) 246-3385.